Peter the Peripatetic Poet

Peter the Poet - aka Peter Wilde - has been writing poetry for decades. It took a little while, but we persuaded him to submit a few poems for inclusion in the newsletter, and it wouldn’t have been complete without them. Sometimes poignant, sometimes punny, Peter finds the pathos, joys and sorrow in everyday life. We couldn’t not keep adding them for your enjoyment.

Flights of fancy on gorgeous summer days….. Peter’s latest has brought out the romantic in him.

Rustic Rambles

Christmas on the Edge

City Slicker Slashing - November 23

Peter’s Pets - Zac and Morris

Woofer the Drover’s Dog, and Retired

Boots, and the You Beaut Cute Ute

The Indian Ocean Dipole

Zeus, and The Pet Shop

Fencing, and the Cycle of Life

The World is my Oyster