Playgrounds and parks



Opposite the Mt Pleasant Bakery and adjacent to the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall car park, the garden was created as a tribute to those who served in WW2.

Redesigned in the early 2000’s, there are plans to re-jig some of the existing overgrown beds to restore the original ambience of the park.

There are picnic seats and tables, and a couple pieces of play equipment.

The Town Hall public toilets are adjacent.


The Pound is located at the intersection of Melrose Street and Glen Devon Road. Originally that area was held to hold livestock. the area was restored and now also has a couple of picnic tables.

Old Talunga Park playground

You will find this playground over the Rex Amber Bridge.

It is situated next to the tennis / netball courts.

You will also see the only remaining apple tree from the orchard that was planted over a century ago.


Rex Amber was a gentleman who contributed an enormous amount to the community. You can still see the ‘Amber Animals’ next to the playground at New Talunga Park. This is the bridge leading from the hall car park over the Torrens, to Old Talunga Park. Although built in 1919, it was named in his honour in the 1980’s. The old bridge was replaced in 2019.

(new) talunga park

This playground is situated near the Caravan Park. There is a picnic area adjacent, where you will be surrounded by the ‘Amber Animals’. The wooden animals, the brainchild of Rex Amber, are currently undergoing restoration.

The toilets are located some distance away near the caravan park at the back of Talunga Park.

The amber Animals are currently being restored, but many of them are still in situ, and even after all this time, very popular with children.